Friday, May 6, 2022

Heads up, ye dandelions


I took the worms outside because moths were in there. I had to check them often during the day because they dried out so quickly. The weather was so nice that I did some gopher work, too. I finished the Polly and Mary video. I listened to Ben Greenfield and read e-mail. I got a call for the swap shop and was able to tell him to come this afternoon.

I soaked shungite pieces in water. Some of them looked rusty so I did an internet search. This seems to be common and thought to have no bad effect. I made a bag for the pieces out of cheese cloth. I walked to the post office, unlocked swap shop, and moved the packing paper that shows through the glass door. I picked up our mail and a package from When I got home, I opened the box and took out the grounding flipflops. I untied the string and tried them on. They are for duplicating going barefoot outside without actually stepping on goats head thornes.

I read more e-mail, then made breakfast and watched The Highwire. Vanden Bossche: with Omicron, the virus perfected its transmissability. Now it is going to increase its lethality. This wiill be worse for vaccinated than for the unvaccinated because the virus will use their non-sterilizing antibodies against them.

I went walking with Jenni. We took a side trip to look for tulips. We found 8 or so in an empty lot. I thought about digging them up, but where would I put them? We stopped to talk to Mindy. She has such lovely plants. She is in charge of the garden event tomorrow.

I drove home, and got cloths and spray. I went to Chris' previous office to clean it, but it had been cleaned. His secretary was not there. I talked to the new DGC. Finally I went home. I ate some leftovers. I tried to start the big mower, but with no luck. I plugged in the battery for the small mower. Then I picked dandelion heads. At 7 I went to the swap shop to lock up. I talked to Tanja and locked the swap shop.

When I got home, I picked more heads. pulled out rocks from gopher mounds, then left the rake and pitch fork near the car for tomorrow. I made a salad, and watched episode 2 of Propaganda Exposed. We are NOT one nation under government, with freedom and justice for those who comply.

I texted with Michelle. I read some e-mail, then took my evening supplements. I posted to my blog and wrote a paragraph for a Facebook post for tomorrow. Then I went to bed.

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