Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The aerobic flash mob


I woke up early with hot flashes and ringing ears. Chris was already up, having arisen early to work out with the colonel. When I thought he was gone, I got up to see if he turned off the router. But he was still here. The colonel had canceled and Chris didn't want to go back to bed and wake me up.

I stayed in bed until almost 7:30. I brushed and swished. I checked the worms. I planted more carrot seed. I scooped curds off of a ferment. I trimmed my hair.

I looked outside and noticed it had snowed. I checked on the tomato plant which we got at Macey's. It looked ok on the front porch. I sat down to make a plan for the garden. I listed all the amendments I have now and will have when the fermenting process is finished.

I got out a tester to verify that my grounding mat was working. But even though I followed the directions precisely, there was no response from the tester. I called the company and left a message.

While I was trying to find an alternate way of testing, Chris came home. He started up the riding mower and probably took the charger back. He said he thought the tomato wouldn't make it. CJ came by with a dozen eggs. I gave her four empty egg cartons and $6. I turned on the router and got lost in e-mail. Around noon, I made breakfast. Chris came home for lunch. I listened to podcasts and interviews.

At 3:30 I went to the school and walked the block with Diane and Jenni. When we finished, Jenni gave us each some seed packets. I went home, and back to reading e-mail. The earthing company sent me directions which let me know I had the mat and tester hooked up badly.

At 5 I put the battery in the small mower and mowed the back yard. Then I mowed the strips in front of the sidewalk. I put the mower away and found Chris inside already. He showed me a pair of suit pants where the metal bar had fallen off. He asked if I could fix them.

I grabbed my coat and went to the gym. I talked with Diane, Michelle, Jenni and Saronna. There was a blue wall down the center of the gym. We walked to the other side, where two ladies were setting up a sound system. They got the music going and we lined up for aerobics. I could not keep up so I did more of a Richard Simmons routine. But after half an hour, my back was giving me warning signals. I decided not to push it. I bid the ladies farewell and went home.

I pulled out leftovers and had supper. I listened to Propaganda episode 6. I jotted notes for my blog. I crushed some pickled garlic and waited 10 minutes to eat it. But then Michelle showed up at our door and wanted to talk to Chris (after checking on me). So Chris listened while she talked about the process for the aerobics class and some things she learned along the way.

After she left, I finished my blog post, made tea and we watched 2 episodes of Cheers. We ended early because Chris is going to get up early to work out with the colonel. I stayed up a little later to listen, then turned off the wi-fi and went to bed.

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