Saturday, May 14, 2022

All but the cards


I got up about 8. Chris was already gone to greet VIP's at the gate. After the usual stuff, I listened to podcasts and read Telegram messages. I took a break to separate the tomato seedlings and put them into separate pots. I set the gopher trap. I looked up things happening in May and wrote them on the calendar. (I missed the book club meeting). Pinterest showed me how to dismantle a stove door to clean it, but it was way too fast.

I made and ate breakfast, reading e-mail. Chris came home with a package from the post office. They wanted the tracking number from the package but could not read it. I looked through my e-mails until I found one with the number. I tried to call the post office, but they didn't answer, so I sent the number in a text.

Chris packed the cooler and we went to Tooele. We listened to the book on CD. When we got to town, we realized we had forgotton the list. After shopping at Luckey's, Melanie's, and Macey's, I thought we got everything but later realized we forgot birthday cards.

We went home. Chris unpacked groceries while I went to the track with Diane. She and I walked the curved parts and ran the straight parts for 25 minutes. That was plenty long enough. Then we tried to dig up some tulip bulbs growing in an empty lot, but the trowel wasn't big enough, so she decided to come back with a shovel. After she left, I cut some suckers from an apple tree, pear tree and lilac tree. I took them home and trimmed off most of the leaves and scored the ends, then put them in water.

I watered the onions with LAB. I soaked the new shower filter. I made a salad and heated leftovers for supper. I read e-mail, and posted to my blog, all by 8pm. I heated tea and we watched several episodes of Cheers. He went to bed half an hour later and I stayed up to listen to the first part of something, then went to bed myself.

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