Friday, May 13, 2022

Preparing the garden


I got up at 7:45, having a hard time sleeping. I took a scoop of probiotics, then brushed my teeth. I scooped up a few remaining curds from the LAB and put them in the fridge. I watered the indoor plants and the worms. I turned on the router and watched the rest of the episode from last night. Then I started listening to Dr. Jane. I turned on my phone and saw a message from the command sergeant major asking me to come to her office. I finished my supplement routine. I packed the curds onto a plastic spoon and tied a baggie over it. I also picked up Gomer Pyle and headed out.

I went to the command building to see CSM. She had a long skirt that she wanted me to let out at the hem so she could take larger steps. We discussed it a little bit. Then I went to see Ravanna, Chris' executive assistant. I gave her the spoon of cheese. She tasted it and said it was mild, so she wrapped it up to let it age. Then I went to the library to return Gomer Pyle. I also stopped at the post office to unlock the swap shop and pick up the mail; which consisted of one package.

When I got home, I opened the box. It was an air pump and stone for bubbling ferments. Then I jotted notes about what I just accomplished this morning.

I made and ate breakfast. Chris came home for lunch and was talking to me when I got a phone call for a cleaning job. I made an appt to see the place to give them a quote. Then I called Jamie so she can go too. I watched The Highwire, and then 2000 Mules, which is a documentary about the ballot box-stuffing that was caught on tape in so many states.

I walked with Diane, then again with Jenni. I went to the garden and set up a 5 gallon bucket with water. I went home and spiked jugs of water with LAB. I put food scraps in the compost. I planted seeds in trays near a window, then went back to the garden with a rake. I added LAB to the bucket of fermenting grass, raked rows in the wood chips and poured in LAB. I talked to the lady at the next plot who was planting pumpkins.

When I got home, I planted some cantaloupe seeds in a pot. I reset a gopher trap and baited it with cantaloupe seeds. I walked to the swap shop to lock it up and chat with Tonja. I read e-mail until Chris came home from a social after work. We chatted. I cut a piece of torn shower curtain to cover Grandma's sewing machine which has potted plants on it. I posted to my blog, not managing to finish by 8. Then I heated tea and we watched 4 or 5 episodes of Cheers. I went back to reading e-mail. Chris went to bed, and later, so did I.

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