Wednesday, May 11, 2022

I caught one!


Chris got up at 4:30. I woke up to pee and went back to bed. Later I heard Reveille and went back to sleep. Then I heard my phone alarm. Chris got in the shower and stayed for a long time. So I got up and started my day.

Chris mentioned that the shower flow was low, so I got online and found a good price on a new filter. (Ebay). According to my notes, it hasn't been changed in a year. I looked at how to propagate apple trees and made notes. I called Faye who is now at home. Kevin is cooking for her.

I made seed crackers. I moved the pineapple top to a vermiculite environment. I listened to a podcast: WHO is meeting on May 22 to approve amendments which would require member nations to submit to their sovereignty whenever WHO declares a pandemic. CDC changed the definition of 'invasive' to exclude poking a swab up the nose or down the throat. Other definitions were changed as well. They were published in the federal register on the last day of the Obama administration.

I listened to a James Corbett video titled “I read Bill Gates' book so you don't have to”. He shared clips of it that are narrated by Will Wheaton. Bill wants to create a GERM team (Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization), a permanent organization of experts who are fully paid and prepared to mount a coordinated response to a dangerous outbreak at any time. Of course the team will not be elected. nor responsible to anyone but the WHO (or Gates).

I went walking with Diane and Jenni. Then I went to the garden to rake and water with LAB and egg shells. I brought home clumps of grass for fermenting. I dug up gopher mounds. I set a trap with papaya seeds, and caught one pretty quickly. I kept digging and collecting stones until Chris came home. I had him empty the trap. I kept finding more holes to fill, and dirt to collect.

Chris went to have supper with the colonel. I finished up digging and went inside. I made a salad. Chris came back. I ate while watching episode 7. I cracked open 7 eggs and only one was still good. I set the others aside for the gophers.

I finished episode 7, then posted to my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of Cheers. Then I watched a video on how to sew leggings. Chris went to bed. I read more e-mail, then retired for the night.

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