Friday, May 20, 2022

Leaf mold tea


I woke up early and used the mp3 headphones to go back to sleep. That didn't work but it did blunt the sound of Reveille at 6:30. Chris got up early to work out with the colonel, so he came back late and did not leave until after 7:30. I got up to water the plants and worms. Then I got dressed and took 2 jugs of water over to the apple tree and the pear tree. I should have brought one for the lilac.

I jotted notes for my blog. I took a scoop of probiotic, I called the post office, but the number was always busy. I worked on the CSM's skirt. I re-basted and took out all the excess stitching. I texted her about coming for a fitting. I potted a plant that someone gave me in a baggie. I also found gopher holes for the remaining eggs. I finished a podcast from yesterday.

I called the post office for the upteenth time. When the phone was busy again, I walked down there and give them a tracking number for a package that came last week but the number on it was illegible. I brought the tomato seedlings in because they were getting wind damaged.

I made breakfast and watched The Highwire. I paused it when the CSM came over for her fitting at 2. It went well, She went off to the garden. I finished The Highwire. I cleaned out Telegram messages. I put together a Swanson's order. I put some small potatoes in a pot to boil. All the potatoes in the bag were sprouting and it seemed like a nice addition to our first garden meeting.

I texted back and forth with Michelle. I looked up my recipe for leaf mold tea. I made a 'tea bag' out of cheese cloth. Chris came home while I was sewing. He had a change of plans for tomorrow (which is good since I did not want to drive myself to Tooele.) I used a hanger to support the bag of 'tea' and the bag of boiled potato. I submerged both bags in the bucket of water and squeezed them as instructed. It was so windy out that I came in as quickly as I could.

Then Chris and I went to the garden so he could offload the 40lb bag of steer manure in my trunk. We were going to fix the irrigation system too, but again, it was too windy. I made tea and we watched Cheers. By the time we went to bed, the wind had died down.

* As shown on the graph, the efficacy of the shots in kids starts at 60%, but within 5 months goes BELOW zero, that means those vaccinated kids are now MORE likely to get infected than the control goup who didn't get jabbed.

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