Saturday, August 13, 2022

A hidden open tab?


I got up after 8. I made up a gallon of liquid detergent. It took a long time because the lumps in the borax would not break up. I had to use the handle of a fly swatter.

Then I listened to a podcast while making up supplements. She said massage is contraindicated for people with blood clots. 1000 professional athletes have had a heart attack and 800 died in the last year or so.

I watered all my plants at home. Then Michelle called and said the piano tuner was ready to go to the colonel's house. So I went to Michelle's house and he followed me up the hill. I unlocked the side door and we went in. The cats greeted us. While he tuned the piano (with an app), I sat on the couch and read. I was interrupted intermittently by texts.

Afterwards, he followed me back to Michelle's house. I proceeded to the garden. I fed the plants there and pulled some weeds. I planted a sonic stake and picked some greens for supper. On my way home, I stopped at the post office, but there was no mail.

I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. I had to reboot. I started watching a video monologue, then heard a Youtube video start playing. I could not find any open tab to stop it. I figured it would stop at the end of the video, but it just queued up the next one. Chris came back from the office. He could not find an open tab that was playing it either. Finally I restarted my computer and it didn't come back.

Chris packed the cooler and we went to Tooele. We shopped at Luckey's and Melanie's. When we got to Macey's, we ran into Tonja and her husband. I told her about Terri having a freezer to sell.

After we shopped and went home, I ate some leftover steak while reading e-mail. I called Northern Tool and told them the solar panel kit only came with a solar panel. She promised to send a new kit.

I put on my suit and went to the pool. It seemed quite cold to me and it took me a minute or two to get in. But I did. Another couple came, but it was too cold for them. A family came and played in the shallow baby pool where it was warmer. Then Heather got in. All too soon the lifeguard gave us the 5 minute warning. We swam around a bit, then got out and toweled off, chatting the whole time. But when I got home it wasn't yet 8. I was not happy. Maybe that's why they don't install a clock.

I changed into nightgown. I picked lettuce and greens for a salad. I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched four episodes of Cheers. It was almost 11, so I just went to bed.

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