Friday, August 5, 2022

No more heated pool


I got up before 7:30 thinking it must be later. I watered the plants at home, noting that the usual bundle of something had again appeared in the top of the tower garden. There is no way it could have blown in because it is covered in netting. Something is deliberately putting it there.

I went to the garden to water and fertilize and check the peas. All seemed to be in order. I went home to make coffee and to meditate and tap. Then I started cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen. My vacuum was at one of the houses so I did not sweep any carpets today.

Casey texted asking if he could bring me goat milk. So I went over to Michelle's house bringing two empty milk jars. Casey gave me two full ones. I paid him. He showed me the plants Michelle bought for the empty lot. Then I went home and put the jars in my fridge.

I put egg shells on cookie sheets in the oven to toast. After washing all the dishes sitting around, I went to the same house as yesterday. Jamie was there and we figured we had done 9 out of 13 hours. So we resolved to do 2 more each.

I worked on kitchen cabinets for an hour, then went to the gym to walk with Terri. We discussed going to Tooele tomorrow. Then I went back to cleaning. It took us a little over 2 hours to finish. I moved my cleaning stuff over to the next house while she mopped the floors. Then I went home. I realized the oven was still on, but low enough that the egg shells were not burnt.

I responded to texts on my phone, then called Jamie for her input. While I was talking, I was also checking e-mail and saw one that said the hot water heater at the gym was being replaced so there would be no hot showers or hot water in the pool for the next three weeks.

I wrote out a receipt for the money we get paid tomorrow. I put on my bathing suit and went to the pool. It was cold (86). I swam around and talked to Gene until the lifeguards called time. Then we both got out and toweled off. I went home and changed into dry clothes.

I gathered the toasted egg shells into two baggies. Michelle asked to borrow my pitchfork, so I took it over there. Luke was visiting. The three of us went for a walk. Then we chatted in her livingroom. She was clearly still upset about not getting along with Jordan. I tried to steer the conversation to other topics. Finally around 10:30 she realized I was tired, and I drove home.

I worked on my blog. I checked my phone for messages from Chris and there were none. I thought about reading e-mail, but it was nearly 11 and I was exhausted. Still, I checked a few things before going to bed.

* Every morning this pile of ??? appears in the tower garden and on the front porch. *

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