Friday, August 12, 2022

Speed piano tuning


I woke up early and only dozed off a little after that. Chris went to work. I got up at 7:30. It was a little chilly and wet from rain, so I worked online for an hour. I read that high iron levels are associated with diabetes, Alzheimer's and early death. I looked online for a blood spot test for measuring my ferritin levels.

Michelle texted me about piano tuning, and I texted the colonel's wife to see if tomorrow morning was a good time. I watered the plants around the house. I went to the garden, but there wasn't much to do except pull weeds since it had rained.

Then I went to the colonel's house. His wife gave me a key and a check for piano tuning tomorrow. He was working out on a bike. I chatted with her for awhile, then drove to the swap shop to drop off stuff in my trunk and went home.

I got a drink and put the apartment keys on my key ring. I went to the Mustang Run house to get my cleaning supplies. I stayed for 15 minutes, long enough to clean the screen door and scrub a toilet. Then I dropped off a DVD at the library, and went to the swap shop again to drop off a fan for Tonja to use.

I came home and made breakfast while listening to The Highwire. It wasn't particularly informative today. I read e-mail at the same time. Chris came home late for lunch. At 3:30 I went to the gym to walk with Terri. Tiffany told us a new woman wanted to walk with us sometime and we said she was welcome any time. I signed up and paid for the trip to Salt Lake City next Thursday.

I drove home. I texted Michelle and she said they'd be showing up at 4:30 to tune my piano. So I had some tea and e-mail. Then she showed up with the piano tuner. While he tuned, she and I talked. I gave her a taste of my whipped goat cream, and latest batch of goat cheese.

Then Terri texted that Chuck was on his way to borrow the mower. So I went out and moved my car and opened the garage door. He arrived just after that. We conversed. He told me about buying and selling stock options. Then he drove the mower over to his house. I warned him against speeding;)

I talked with Michelle and the piano tuner until he finished. Neither one of them would watch a show about speed piano tuning. I thought of it because he tuned 7 pianos today and will do another 7 tomorrow. I gave the fee to Michelle and they went to dinner.

Chris came home with a pizza and cooked two steaks in the oven for me. I made a salad from stuff in the yard and garden. I ate it with the steak and a little bit of cold rice. Then I went to the swap shop to meet Tonja and lock the swap shop.

She had decorated the door, which was really cool. She said business is really picking up. People were there most of the time she had it open. I looked around myself and found some round yarn looms that might be good for a class. We chatted in the parking lot, then went our separate ways.

When I got home, I worked on my blog post for today and yesterday. I watched a video on how to make a 100 hour candle with Crisco. He plans to use it to heat a small greenhouse.

I made tea and we watched 4 episodes of Cheers. I played the piano and decided it sounded better, even though I thought it sounded fine before. I tried to catch up on e-mail - an impossible task, and went to bed.

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