Thursday, August 11, 2022

Inspection: theirs and mine


I got up at 7:30, thinking it was earlier. I got started on coffee morning. I got a call from someone moving out next week who wanted their house cleaned. I said I would come by this afternoon to take a look. I watered all the plants inside and out. I took the netting off of the tower garden so the tomato flowers could get pollinated. I put the garden off for later (but later never came).

I did my meditation and tapping. I tapped for the chaplain's wife. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen and washed the dishes. I did a little sweeping, then took my shower. Chris came home late for lunch. He had a package from the post office. It contained 6 sonic stakes. I put one in the front flowerbed where mice and gophers live.

At 2:30 I went to the house up for inspection. Jamie had signed for it, but asked me to handle the inspection since she was out of town. I cleaned the front door, and various other spots as I noticed them. The inspectors showed up before 3, looked around and took pics. Then they had me sign off on it. By 3, I was done.

I went to Housing to drop off the keys and garage door opener. I asked if as many people were moving in as were moving out and she said yes. Whew! Then I went home to get hydrated. I went to the gym to meet Terri and we walked around the indoor track. We talked to Brittany and Tiffany about the MWR trip to Salt Lake City next Thursday.

I went to the wrong place, then drove across post to the right place, but could not remember his house number. But he was waiting with his front door open so I parked there. He showed me around his house, I looked in all the usual trouble spots. He said he could clean the toilets and stove. But overall, his house was pretty clean. I couldn't check the ceiling fans because they were pretty high. Even with a step ladder, I might not be able to reach them. I told him I had to check with Jamie before I quoted him a price.

I went home. I called Jamie but she was busy. I went to the current house on Mustang and cleaned for an hour, wiping doors and shelves and mopping. Then I went home, where I read some e-mail. Finally I was able to talk to Jamie about the house I saw today and finishing our other houses.

Then it was time for the pool, but the sky looked dark and foreboding. So I stayed in to catch up on e-mail. Chris came home from work and made himself a burrito for supper. After a while, I worked on my blog and then made tea. We watched 4 episodes of Cheers. Then I read e-mail until after 11, and went to bed.

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