Thursday, August 4, 2022

Chris leaves for a gaming weekend


I got up at 7:30. I watered most of the plants rather quickly. The man called and asked if we could clean his house by Thursday. I texted Jamie, then went to the garden to water the plants at the garden, and fertilize between the rows. Mrs. Pace stopped by to chat and said her stuff just isn't growing like it used to, and birds were eating it. I discovered a leak in the irrigation system in the potato box. I was able to fix it, then went home.

Jamie gave me a tentative yes. I filled out some paperwork, then went to Jordan's house to sign for it. He gave me $500. It was the cleanest house I had seen and later I felt badly that I didn't give him some of the money back. I chatted with the housing team and asked about signing for the apartment at 10. But they didn't have that signing on their schedule, so I went by the apartment and the resident said the signing is next Monday. Whew!

When I got home, I threw my cleaning stuff in the car, then called the first guy and said I would have to start right away to be done by Thursday. He said ok, so I went right over. He was still doing stuff in the garage. I started on the fridge, disassembling the shelves and washing them in the sink. He finished up and left. I don't know what yellow stuff got splattered on the fridge, but it was hard to get off the outside and impossible to get off the rubber door gasket. I also worked on the stove, finally engaging the self-clean feature. After 2 hours, Jamie came over and we chatted, then I went home.

I made and ate breakfast, intending to play with Saronna, but the littlest one had a fever so she canceled. I went back to the house and put in another hour. Since the stove was still cleaning, I worked in the living room, washing windows and walls. I discovered there was a thin black coating of some kind, that was so even and pervasive that it could not be seen until I ran a sponge through it. Then the demarcation was obvious. What's up with that?

After an hour, I went to the gym to walk with Terri. We had a nice chat about talking in tongues. Afterward, I chatted with Tiffany about having her daughter help me with the company house. Then I went home for a long drink of tea.

I went to the house Jamie was working on and did a walk-thru. The only dirt I saw was on the front of the front door. Just as I was leaving, she arrived. We chatted for a bit, decided we needed to write down all these houses so we could keep them straight. I went back to the house of the day and cleaned for another hour. This time I worked in the kitchen, cleaning behind the stove and getting grease off surfaces. I also did the blinds.

I went home and greeted Chris who was just finishing his supper. I made a salad and ate some of the leftover chicken. He finished his packing and moved his luggage to the car. We said goodbye and he left. I read e-mail until 8, then went out to the side yard to rake and mow. I kept expecting the sprinklers to come on, but they never did. At 9, I put everything away and went inside. I made tea and watched a documentary on child trafficking. Horrific. Chris texted to say he had reached his hotel room near the airport and was going to bed.

After the documentary, I worked on my blog, trying to remember what all I had done during the day. I finally posted it and went to bed.

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