Tuesday, August 16, 2022

No time to call William


I got up around 7:30, just as Chris was coming back from working out with the colonel. I watered the plants inside and out. Then I went to the garden to water and feed those plants. Jenni showed up to see her garden. I hadn't seen her in a month so we stood and chatted a while. Then I finished up and went home.

I had a few minutes to read e-mail. A lady texted me about a bolt of fabric she was selling. So I went over to the RV park. I gave her $30 for the 14 yd bolt. We chatted for awhile, then I went to the apartment to clean. I was there for 90 minutes, but spent half an hour talking to Faye. Then I went home for breakfast.

During breakfast, Michelle texted me. Then I went to the apt to meet Jamie and Shana. Shana cleans too, and was there to offer advice. We talked for awhile, then they went to the commissary. I cleaned for half an hour then went to Saronna's house to get a key.

She took me to a house that needs a quote and opened the door. I went in to look around to estimate how long it will take to clean. After I finished, Jamie and Shana arrived. They looked around, too, including the front and back yard. We discussed pricing. Then we walked outside and talked more. Finally we walked down the street to see stuff that was sitting by the curb.

We agreed to go to the swap shop. I let Saronna know that we were leaving. I got a text from Terri asked me where I was. It was 4pm and I completely missed walking with the ladies. I met Jamie and Shana at the swap shop and opened the door. They brought stuff in, but I left because I was thirsty. When I got home, Faye called. She wants to hire a lawyer to finish the estate and to sell the property. She also told me about the water leak in her house. And she reminded me that it was William's birthday.

Chris came home from work and changed clothes. We went to the community club for the community neighborhood meeting. CSM Rawls lead the meeting and wrote ideas and dates on a large piece of paper. I wanted to leave so I could get some pool time, but people kept talking to me and then it was too late.

We went home. It was too late to call William with birthday wishes. I ate some of the eye of round roast that Chris had in the oven all day. I also made a salad and worked on my blog.

We watched a few episodes of Cheers and stopped just before 10pm. I looked up Northcott Soar fabric, which is what I bought. It comes in panels and doesn't have much of a color palette. It didn't look any better online than in person.

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