Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Auditioning music


I got up after 7:30. I followed the morning protocol. I opened an envelop from USAA who had sent me a cc with contactless technology. No way! I called USAA and they said all their cards are that way now. She did not know how to disable it or turn it off. After the call, I looked up how to disable the feature. Apparently there is an antenna loop inside the card and if you slice through it, the chip cannot be activated without contact with a card reader. They said VISA is pushing this tech, and people have had money debited from cards other than the one they intended to use.

I read e-mail for awhile, then went to 91B for inspection. I did some sweeping in the back room till Housing showed up. She looked around while I told her what needed fixing. Then we signed the papers and I went to the Housing office to turn in the key.

I was going to drop off some money for Jamie, but just then I got a text from the swap shop. I drove over there to discuss the issue of too much clothing and not enough time to go through it all. Shannon showed up too. We discussed it with Christina who was minding the shop. She wanted training as well.

After the discussion, I went to pick up the mail. Terry was there and he said he would ask his wife about sorting clothing. We discussed other things and I went home.

I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. There was no music practice because Saronna is still out of town. I took a jar of trail mix to the Hendersons. Then I settled cleaning accts, making sure all the info was saved.

I went to pick up two books of music from Keli. I went through them at the piano, looking for a replacement piece for "It don't mean a thing". It got dark. Chris came home early because snow was expected so the base let out early.

I ate most of the leftover beef. I kept listening to excerpts of duets on a sheetmusic site that are available for download. I worked on my blog, and made tea. We watched two episodes of SG Atl. Chris went to bed, but I stayed up to look for more duet music. I finalized an order for 10 pieces and went to bed.

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