Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Time for the project materials to go back


I stayed in bed until 8:30 because I had trouble sleeping. The tune played over and over in my mind until I wanted to scream.

After getting up and doing the usual, I watered the tower garden with a diluted banana feed. Then I turned on my phone and checked messages.

I got dressed and went to the library. I delivered the snowflake stamp for their project tomorrow. Then we discussed all sorts of other things. It was after 11 when I left. I went to Housing to schedule an inspection for 91B.

I made and ate breakfast. I unlocked the swap shop at 1 by request and got the mail. I listened to the CD that goes with the song we picked. I got some staff paper and tried to write parts to fill in the missing spots. At 3, a group of people came by to check fire alarms and appliances and such. One of them re-caulked the bathtub.

I spent the afternoon sorting through my sewing room and various project bags to put everything back where it came from and to find the black and white fabric that I was using as a stack-n-whack sample project. But I never did find it.

All of a sudden it was 6:20. I went to the chapel and turned on the lights. Keli came with her music and some blankets to cut up. We went into the fellowship hall and cut two blankets into 4 pieces and sewed up the edges. Then we started practicing in the chapel. But she hadn't heard the CD so we looked around for a CD player. There was a TV in the kid's room for DVD;s but it would play the CD. However, getting to the right track was tricky. After she heard it, we went back to play it. But without drums, trumpet and sax, the empty spots were too noticeable. She said she had a book at home that would have songs with all the parts. So we packed up and left.

I went home and ate some leftover beef. I also ate seed crackers with avocado dip. Then I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Stargate Atlantis. Chris went to bed afterward and I stayed up to listen to a podcast.

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