Sunday, January 14, 2024

Duvet covers finally get washed


It was after 8 when I got up. After the usual morning stuff, I checked Facebook. Then I went to the company house. None of the beds were stripped, and looked like I had left them. However, there were two sets of footprints leading through the snow to the front door. I decided to wash the bathroom floor mats and then the duvet covers.

I came home. I looked at Myst IV hints to figure out what to do next time. The video showed moving a certain toggle which would not move for me. Sigh.

I went back to change laundry and put the duvet covers in the washer. When I got back, Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. While he took a shower, I made up a week's worth of supplements. Then I took my shower, and made breakfast.

After eating, I went back to the company house to move the duvet covers to the dryer as soon as they were done spinning. I dusted the ceiling fans while I waited. When the dryer was going, I went home.

I ate two pomegranates and a banana. I watched videos on replacing duvet covers. I watched some on fixing zippers. I looked at some Telegram videos, then printed out sheet music, but the print got light that I quit.

I went to the company house one last time. I replaced duvet covers, which took a lot longer than the videos indicated. I mopped myself out of the house. When I got home, I watered tower garden with banana water.

I jotted notes for my blog and realized I didn't post yesterday. So I posted. Chris and I went to the swap shop to see about putting up a shelf. We got in an argument. When we got back, I helped Chris fold laundry. I called Michele to provide more info on an incident that Chris brought up from the past. She didn't remember much about the incident. She and I talked about sewing stuff for some time. She wants to recreated an antique dress that's in a book she got for Christmas.

I ate a slice of pizza, and made a salad. I worked on my blog post for yesterday and posted it. I made tea and we watched TV. Afterward, Chris went to bed, and I stayed up to catch up on e-mail.

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