Saturday, January 20, 2024

Cleaning the new swap room


I got up around 8, not having heard the alarm. I got ready for the day. I checked Facebook and my phone for messages. I cut stack-n-whack triangles, then washed up and got dressed for Math Morning. Chris was getting ready at the same time. Then I had to search for the chapel key and had to remember that I wore the lighter coat last night when I picked it up.

I arrived at the chapel at the same time as Saronna. I unlocked the door and went in. Her kids followed me. I set up a sewing machine while they set up their math workbooks. I was resolved not to engage in conversation so they could concentrate, but they still didn't. The littlest one played with toys and the others annoyed each other. M did a page of math and I checked it, calling her over to re-do the ones that were incorrect. Then they packed up and left.

I got some stack-n-whack hexagons sewn, then left the machine set up for tomorrow. I locked the chapel and headed home. Chris was gone. I texted people about having a swap shop meeting next Thursday.

I had about an hour before breakfast, so I took some cleaning supplies and went to the swap shop. Summer was just leaving. I used the new key to open the extra room we now have. Some furniture had been moved in. I started cleaning the sink in the small attached bathroom. I did not clean the toilet because it didn't have water so not to be used. But everything else had years of dust and dead bugs. The floor was my main intent but I didn't get that far. I did the higher flat surfaces first, then the Lunas came in to look at the boxes of glasses. They stayed to talk. By the time they left, it was noon, so I quit and went home for breakfast.

While making breakfast, Chris came back from the office. I ate while reading e-mail, then added a few thing to the grocery list. Chris packed the cooler and we headed to Tooele, listening to the book on CD. I fell asleep.

When I woke up, we were in town. Chris stopped at the dentist and dropped me off before heading out to do the shopping. They gave me forms to fill out, again. Then I got called back for x-rays. I took a packet of vitamin C. She took a pan-x. Then I sat down for bitewings. I asked about #24 and she checked. It did not come out clearly on the film so she took another one. Then the hygienist came and cleaned my teeth. Mostly it was painless, but one tooth hurt and she surmised it was from the gums receding.

The dentist came in to check. He said everything was fine except a crown had broken off and needed replacing. When he heard my front tooth was sensitive to temp, he coated it with Metabond. Then I went to check out. Chris joined me to get a similar appointment. So we will be in there together in August. She said to call for appt for the crown, which will be over $1000. He got an apt for check-up.

We headed to Melanies, then back to base. We stopped at the commissary. I filled out a request for goat milk. We stopped at the post office. Nothing noteworthy. Then we came home and unloaded groceries. I worked on my blog.

I went to the company house to get the laundry started. Then I went to the extra swap shop room to clean. I wiped, I swept and I mopped. Lots of marks would not come off of the floor. I tried to put everything back so that it looked homey, but it didn't.

I came home for supper. I made a salad. I read e-mail. I worked on my blog. I filled a bottle with tea, and took the empty water jug with me to Game Night. I stopped on the way over to start a second load at the company house. Then I went to Michelle's house, but she wasn't home. Her husband let me play the game. I had notes, but they didn't work for some reason. I went through all the possible combinations of 3,4,7 with the gears under the spider chair, but nothing worked. Michelle called in and stayed on the phone playing her game while I played mine.

It was after 11 when I thanked him and left. I stopped by the company house to put the second load in the dryer. Then I went home, shut down the internet and lights, and went to bed.

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