Sunday, January 21, 2024

Project Night


I got up just before 9. Chris was home from his 5am DnD game. I took supplements, fertilized the plants, etc. I made more flax/chia mix. I listened to Tucker Carlson interview Tony Robbins. Then Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. I took a shower, then made enough breakfast mix for a week.

I made breakfast and ate it. I whipped up a batch of cheese squares with bacon. Then Chris helped me carry the machine and bag of notions to the chapel. I set up the machine and got ready for sewing class. Saronna had told me her kids were sick and going to stay home. But Sophia called and asked if she could come. I said yes. Later Isadora came with her fabric and a dress pattern. I was there past 4 till Sophia got done. Partially because she picked a difficult fabric, and partly because they picked at each other. Isadora got her dress cut out.

Then I went to the company house for 40 min to make the bed and clean the kitchen and bathroom. Michele called, so I called her back when I got home and we talked about how to make her dress pattern bigger. Then I made supper and read as I ate.

At 7, I went to the chapel for Project Night. Mery was waiting for me. I unlocked the door and she brought her stuff inside. Then her husband came and Summer came and Jenni came. When not helping someone with their project, I sewed triangles together to make hexagons. Summer finished her project and went home. Jenni took till 8:45 to finish hers. That's when Jerry showed up. The others were working on other things and did not finish, but helped me pack up so we could be out by 9.

We all left together. Mery helped me carry stuff to my car. She put my stuff in my trunk. Jerry showed me a music box he was working on. Then I left. I went home, made tea and we watched one episode. Chris and I made the bed with clean sheets and he laid down. I worked on my blog before I went to bed.

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