Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Four loads of laundry


I got up at 8, having slept fairly well. I did the usual and got dressed. I checked e-mail and Telegram messages and Facebook. I got a text from the lady minding the swap shop about clothing being dirty. So I drove over there and yes, the recent donation was dirty. She helped me load it all in my car.

I took it home to wash. Some of it looked like someone had just taken it off and dropped it in the donation bag instead of a laundry hamper. Some smelled like smoke. Others were ok. I got the first of what turned out to be four loads started. I made breakfast before noon so I wouldn't be in Chris' way. I read e-mail and ate. He pulled out the bread machine, so later I loaded it with ingredients and got it started.

At 2, I went to Saronna's house to play music. We talked mostly, but did get in some play time. Afterward, I went home to change out the loads. I texted Michelle to go walking but she said she was off post. So I texted Jenni. We met at the gym. I insisted on walking outside because it was such a nice day. Hard to believe it is January.

I did more laundry when I got home. I opened doors and windows. I glued a piece of cardboard to the back of a shoe that got squished. I read e-mail and messages. I made and ate a salad. I took two bags of washed clothing to the swap shop. I sorted it into the proper bins.

Chris came home from work. I glued the soles back into some shoes. I finished the laundry. Chris helped me load it in the car. I took it to the swap shop and sorted it. When I got home, I worked on my blog. I put some money out for the egg lady's husband in the morning.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of SGA. He went to bed but I stayed up to read a book, hoping that would make falling asleep easier.

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