Saturday, August 3, 2024

4-Cheese squares


I got up at 8. I got dressed and read a few messages. I watered outside and set both traps. I read more messages, then put on my gardening shoes and went to the garden. Everything was ok. I pulled some mint. I stopped at Self Help for tree trimmers, but they didn't have any. I went by the post office for the mail and came home.

I parsed out supplements for the week. I cleared a few that I haven't taken in a long time. I put on Mike Adams sermon on serpent peptides. I made up a container of breakfast mix. I made breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail.

I watched more tapping videos, concentrating on the tapping parts and skipping most of the conversation parts. I put on my bathing suit and laid on the lounge.

I re-dressed and went to the commissary for groceries. They didn't have any pineapple. They also didn't have the cheeses I usually get, so I bought a package of Mexican 4-cheese.

I listened to a podcast as I put the food away. I made cheese squares and topped them with green pepper, tomatoes, bacon, and sliced olives. Kind of like a pizza. I popped it in the oven. I watched the tapping parts of a bunch of videos. When the 'pizza' came out, I sliced off an edge to try it out.

I made a salad and ate it. I looked up some URU hints and took pics for game night. I watched more tapping videos, then headed to Michelle's house. She wasn't there, but Casey had the game on. We chatted before, during, and after I played the game. I was pleased with my progress, but stumped at the end. IT was 11pm, so I went home. I got ready for bed, then laid in the recliner for the first sleep cycle. Then I went to bed.

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