Friday, August 9, 2024

A double-header


I got up at 7:30. I went out to water the plants. I worked extensively on gopher holes on the shady side of the house. I was able to flush one out and he joined his comrade in stillness. I put on garden shoes and went to the garden to check irrigation systems. All working. I watered around the sunken bucket trap until I was able to pull it out.

I went home and read e-mail. I made breakfast and ate it while watching The Highwire. Afterward I went out to behead the dead gophers. I put the bodies where other invading gophers would find them. I put on an old bathing suit and laid out in the sun. Then I soaked the heads in bleach.

I made vinegar cheese for Michelle out of two quarts of the milk. I did not have rennet to make my own. I started watching a movie called Protocol 7. Chris called to say Jenni wanted me at the pool. So I paused the movie and put on a better suit and drove there. I was feeling light headed.

I walked over to the tables where they were handing out swag. Michelle came up behind me as we were talking. I got one of the free shirts. I went to the pool with Michelle, but she wanted me to go down the big slide. I went over to talk to Jenni and Kelly for some time. Then Michelle insisted, so we went over to the big slide. We talked to some people and I climbed up. There were two little kids up there, afraid to go down. So I told them that if they pushed on each side with their legs, it would slow down the descent. I demonstrated. Michelle filmed me. But the kids still didn't come down so Michelle went up and 'helped' them. They must have been ok with it, because they got back in line to go again.

We went back to the pool area and talked with Saronna and Kenzie. Chris came over. Other chatting, then I got in the pool and hung out with Jenni till the pool closed. Chris was gone, so I got out, toweled off and went home.

I changed into dry clothes. I checked on the gopher heads. They were not done. I made a salad and ate while watching more of Protocol 7 (its about fraud in Merck's mumps vaccine). I worked on my blog. I still couldn't add a pic to the post. I sent feedback for the umpteenth time, with no response. But this time, I accepted the cookies because they said it would give them more information to address the issue. HOWEVER, after accepting the cookies, the system would not accept the feedback. And no explanation why.

I made tea and we watched one episode of WTR. Chris went to bed and read a book. But he had turned off the light before I got ready for bed. I tried to fall asleep to music in the recliner, but it didn't work. After 45 minutes, I went to bed.

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