Thursday, August 22, 2024

RFK or Shiva?


I got up after 7. I prepared for coffee morning. I went out to water the plants. I didn't see any new gopher mounds. I came in and finished the exercises and reading. Then I did the meditation and tapping. When that was done, I cleaned the bathrooms and washed dishes in the kitchen. I cleaned the stove and countertops. Then I mopped the floor.

When I discovered that I had mopped my vacuum in, I went and took a shower. Then the floor was dry so I could vacuum the halls and bedroom and bathrooms.

I read online for a bit. Dave called to get into the swap shop, so I quickly threw on some clothes and ran down there to let him in. I also got the mail.

I came home and went back to reading messages. I cracked open a coconut. I listened to an interview with Dr. Shiva who is running for President. He sounded really smart and informed. I looked at his site, Shiva4president. Articles are hinting that RFK jr might join with Trump. So then I will vote for Dr. Shiva.

After more reading and listening, I went to the garden. I checked the irrigation systems and used gopher mound dirt to fill in the hole that the bucket came out of. I checked on the grapes.

I went home and texted Michele, but she was busy. I was reading messages again when Jenni called. I talked to her for awhile, then talked to Chris who was ready to go to bed. I watched one episode of Call the Midwife, then posted to my blog and went to bed.

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