Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Trimming the apple tree


I got up after 7. Chris was gone. I washed up and got dressed. I went out to water the plants and annoy the gophers. None came up. I read messages for awhile, then went to 83D to get the rest of my stuff and do a quick wipe here and there. Afterward, I went to check the garden. Everything seemed to be fine.

I went home. I read for a bit, then made and ate breakfast. I went back to 83D with some mineral oil. I polished the sink with it to get rid of some marks. Then Housing rang the doorbell. I let them in and they looked around, said everything was in order. We signed the papers and I went home.

Soon after, I got a call from Jamie who had just arrived at 83D. She gave me her hours and went to turn in the key. I worked with the numbers for a bit, then decided just to go with a 200-50 split. I made up a payment envelop for her.

Saronna let me know she wasn't able to play today. I tried to catch up on e-mail. John and I connected over Discord and talked about options for my player sheet. During the call, a man called to ask for a quote, which I scheduled for 6:30. Afterward, I went out to check the gopher traps, then came in and heated some roast for supper.

I logged into Zoom for the quilt guild meeting. Once it got started, the first thing they did was have everyone show their favorite sewing/quilting tool. I wasn't prepared for that, and didn't have a camera to show it on anyway. Then they had the business meeting. The show-and-tell is my favorite part, but I missed it because I had to run to do the quote.

Jamie met me in the parking lot. We walked together to the apartment and knocked. His neighbor came to tell us he wasn't home. But while we were discussing it, the man came home. He let us in and we looked around. The kitchen wasn't too bad, but the bathroom was and the window blinds were. We went out in the hall to discuss it and came up with $500. Jamie was thinking more, but I had already told him that was the highest we had gone. Anyway, we gave him the news and he accepted. We agreed to meet hime for the signover on Thursday at 3.

Jamie and I walked out together, agreeing to meet again at 7. I went to the library to check out the next season of WTR. Then I remembered her payment. But it was already 7 so I went to the apple tree and met McKenzie and Jamie and her husband and son. Jamie had all the tools we needed, so McKenzie showed us how to cut the suckers off. Then Mark climbed a ladder and sawed off dead limbs. We picked up the dead wood and put it on Jamie's trailer.

Then we talked for some time. Jamie's family left. As I stayed talking to Kenzie, it got dark. But we didn't know if we would see each other again before she and her family moved back to Maryland for the school season.

Finally we parted. I went home and read some messages before working on my blog. There wasn't time to watch TV and Chris had flown to NY anyway. I got ready for bed, read some, then left the Tibetan music playing on my laptop while I went to bed. But I could not hear it in there.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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