Thursday, August 15, 2024

Something good in the trash?


I had a hard time falling asleep. So when I woke up around 7, I did not get up. And I fell back asleep. So I got up at 8. I looked around outside and the plants seemed to have enough water from the rain. The trap was covered in dirt, so I dug it up and re set it.

I prepared for coffee morning with coffee and exercises. I meditated and tapped. Chris came home for lunch. I started cleaning the bathrooms and the kitchen. I washed dishes. I watered the indoor plants. I mopped the kitchen floor. I read e-mail till it was dry, then went and took a shower.

I went to the garden and then to the gym. I met Michelle there at 4. I worked out on the machines that she set me up on. Then we went to the chapel to check out the basement. But my chapel key did not work in that lock.

We went home and I went to clean. I finished the stove and did windows in other rooms. The man next door asked if I was going to take the trash to the curb. I said no and he said he would do it. I had to tell him I wasn't ready for it to go out yet. I didn't tell him that there was a vacuum in the trash and I wanted to get it out and see if it would be ok with a little TLC.

Later I called Michelle to see if she would come over to help me get it, but she was busy. So I tried it myself, but I could not pull it out because of the stuff on top of it. I noted that it had rained inside the trash bins because they were so full that the tops were up. I tried to move them to the street, but I could not budge them, not even a little.

I went home. I opened a coconut. I read Telegram messages. I worked on my blog. I posted it by e-mail which allowed me to add a picture AND not have to insert paragraph markings.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Chris went to bed but I got ready for bed, then stayed up to read. I hit the hay around 11.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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