Monday, August 5, 2024

Going after gophers


I got up late. My hands hurt. So I took some curcumin, then sat at my laptop with a bag of frozen watermelon, which I alternately held and ate. I got dressed and watered the outdoor and indoor plants. I leveled some gopher mounds and flooded the tunnels. I reset the traps.

I listened to an interview with Robert Kennedy junior. I took a break to check the garden and the lines to the fruit trees. I trimmed suckers off of the apple tree.

When I got home, I listened to more of the interview. I made and ate breakfast, then got ready for church. I went through my music tote to remove stuff I didn't need and make sure I had today's hymns. Then I went to the chapel.

I walked up front with my trombone. As I started to assemble it, Keli asked me what hymns we were playing. I looked in my tote, but the music wasn't there. So I ran home to get it, wondering how I managed to leave it behind. I grabbed it up and headed back. As I walked down the aisle, Keli and the chaplain were up front getting ready to start the first song.

After the singing, the chaplain gave his sermon. Then he called us up for the hymns. I announced Church in the Wildwood, but there was no slide for it. So we did We Are One, and then picked a second of Softly and Tenderly. The chaplain apologized for not having the slide ready. I chatted with Rick and John. People left. Finally I walked out with John.

When I got home, I read a bit, then changed clothes. There was a gopher in one trap so I threw out the gopher and reset the trap in a different hole. I went back to reading. Michelle texted that she needed to kill a gopher, so I took a 5-gallon water jug and went over to her house. We used the jug and the hose on the most recent activity and got nowhere. But maybe it drowned. Then we sat outside and talked for awhile. I went home and made a carrot salad. I listened to Dr. Phil interview RFK jr. I like a lot of what he says. I don't agree with everything but at least I think he says what he believes, unlike those who say whatever will get them elected.

I worked on my blog. I mended some wash cloths by sewing them together. I read some articles. I pulled out the strawberries to eat, but they were moldy. I threw them in the compost. Michelle came over and we went through all the boxes and plastic bags and packing material and put it in the trash and recycling.

I listened to part of a podcast. I watched two episodes of Call the Midwife. My hands didn't hurt so I laid in the recliner thinking I could easily fall asleep, but my left leg decided to get RLS. I took a homeopathic remedy for it, which worked last time, but was not effective enough this time. So I went to bed.

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