Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Low attendance for band


I got up before 8. I went out to water plants. I went to Housing to make appointment for inspection. They couldn't do it until tomorrow. I met the new Housing manager who seems very nice. I went to the garden. Irrigation was working, but needed to repair leak in an irrigation line. The repair did not completely fix it.

I went home, and texted Jamie the inspection time. I selected two hymns and cleaned up the copies, adding in missing notes. I saved them to a thumb drive and went to the library to print them off. Keli was there. She printed them and we chatted. She said she had to be there till 7 so could we move band to 7? I called Saronna but she didn't answer. Later she messaged me through Facebook and said she might not be coming anyway. I texted Jenni to make sure she could make it.

I made and ate breakfast, then laid out in the sun. I read e-mail and messages, clearing out open tabs. I watched a tapping video. Then I went out to mow, but it was starting to rain, so I worked on my blog. I called Jamie to make sure she got my text. I rolled up my car windows so the rain would stop. And it seemed to work. I read messages for a bit while the porch dried out.

Then I took the lawn mower out and mowed the remaining areas that I hadn't gotten to before. Not long after Chris came home, I finished and put the mower away. He was having supper when I went in. I had time to watch some more of the tapping video, then I took my music and went to band.

I wasn't sure who would come, so I laid down in the front row of the chapel. When Keli arrived, I got up and assembled my trombone. She had music and we played through hymns and tunes. We even tried When the Saints go Marching In. Finally, we called it quits and went home.

I had texts from Jenni who said she forgot about band tonight. I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. I got ready for bed. Chris went to bed, but I stayed up a little later to make sure I had notes for the whole day. Then I went to bed, too.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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