Monday, August 19, 2024

The new campaign


We slept in till almost 8. I got dressed and went out to see if the plants needed water. Most of them did not. I emptied rainwater from various pots, etc, outside. I read a few messages and heated half a gallon of goat milk on the stove. I put it in a bowl mixed with probiotics and placed the bowl in the dehydrator to soak at 122F.

I went to the garden to check all the irrigation systems. I turned the watering time down. I pulled weeds growing around the corn and tomatoes. When I got back home, I texted Casey that his garden was doing well.

I read more messages and e-mail. I checked on the milk. I wanted it to thicken. I made up a week's worth of supplements. Chris put a roast in the oven. I made and ate breakfast. I got ready for church, as did Chris. I got out the cheese squares for snack. Chris carried my trombone, and we headed to the chapel.

As we went in, I put the cheese squares on the back table. We greeted this week's chaplain who looked like Patrick. I asked if he could do communion and he said yes, however we looked all over and could not find any communion sets. He texted the chaplain who will come next week and asked that one to bring some.

So Keli led the praise songs and then the chaplain led a liturgical service. Then we musicians played two hymns. The pastor did a sending, and the service ended. We chatted in small groups. Jedediah wanted to put my trombone away and carry it, but he couldn't.  So he asked to carry my purse. Which was fine until his sister had to walk him home. I offered him a cheese square to give it back to me.

We went home and changed clothes. I worked with John over Discord to add to my character sheet. Chris pulled the roast out of the oven, and I had a little time to eat before the game started. I also put rennet in the milk.

Everyone was so excited to start the new game. Except me because it was so new that I had no idea what to do. We chatted among ourselves first, then Chris started the game with a little description of background and layout. He described the scene as a boy came forth to ask us for help finding his sister.

Then Jamie called so I missed what happened next. I promised her I would set up an inspection with Housing in the morning. Then I tried to catch up in the game. Suddenly I remembered the cheese. I pulled it out of the dehydrator while listening to the others role-play checking out leads on the missing sister. I scooped the curds, still listening. Finally, I got to sit down and participate. I was out of my depth, not knowing what to do when my turn came. But others steered me away from some forms of action and into others. My character sheet, an amalgamation of suggestions from different people, was not internally consistent. Plus I could not see it all at once on the screen, so I was scrolling this way and that. Eventually, we found the sister, who had run off with a boy from a wealthy family and got them to return home. Well, he returned, and she went off to sword training.

At the end, we were about to embark on another adventure, but it was after 8. I changed my avatar to be a quilt square. Everybody said their goodbyes and signed off. I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched one episode of WTR. Chris went to bed, and I stayed up a little later, but joined him before he turned the lights out.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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