Saturday, August 24, 2024

Starting on the worst apartment


I got up after 7:30. I got ready for the day. I took some methylene blue. It always makes a mess when I subdivide the squares. I took out the garbages, all of them. I went out to water the plants and mess with the gophers. I didn't see any, which tells me they are used to me flooding their tunnels in the morning. I'll have to go back later.

I ate a banana. I checked messages. I added notes to yesterday's write-up. I went to the garden to check irrigation. I picked 5 corn cobs. When I got home, I shucked them and ate the smaller ones. They weren't ready.

I read messages and listened to short clips. I walked to the post office to get a package. I stopped at the swap shop to look for shoes, but all they had in my size were country boots. However I saw a suit that might fit Chris. Also a note about clothes to be washed.

I walked home, stopped to talk to Stirling. I finished podcast, then messaged Anka. I put on The Highwire, then made and ate breakfast while watching it. When it was over, I put on my suit and laid out on the lounger for some sun. Then I got dressed. I went to the swap shop to get the suit and the bags of clothes to be washed.

From there I went to apt 102 for the sign over. One of the Housing ladies was waiting in the hall. The occupant was taking loads to the trash. When Connie arrived, we went inside. She looked around to check appliances. Collie told me we didn't have to wash the blinds because they had cords and need to be replaced by blinds without cords. We discussed whether the resident could stay until tomorrow morning. But he said he would leave today and text me when. He gave me the cash and we all signed the contract. I went home.

I made a batch of seed crackers and popped them in the oven. I boiled the two remaining corn cobs. I started a load of laundry from the swap shop. I made a batch of Dawn mixed with vinegar, then washed up all the soapy utensils. I found the lockbox and set it near my purse.

I listened to the new Highwire Plus aftertalk videos. I watched a video on making a linen top. I started the second load of laundry. I finished another video. I worked on my blog.

I texted the guy from the signover and he said he had just left. So I went over there. I checked the storage unit, then went to the apartment to get the tub, toilet and burner bowls soaking in ammonia. The smell wasn't very strong so I think I will have to use fresher ammonia tomorrow. I went through the cupboards, pulling out boxes and bags and cans. There were more than a dozen boxes of cereal on top of the fridge! All opened, of course. I talked to both Saronna and Michelle about coming over to get some leftover foods.

I took three shopping bags of food home. I got ready for game night and finished posting to my blog. I took a bottle of tea, jar of cheese and a container of protein powder to Michelle's house. No one was there but she texted that I should go in. So I did. It took me 15 minutes to get the game loaded, maybe more. Isadora came back from archery with big bruises on her arm. She was so proud. She called a friend to tell him.

Then Michelle came back with Casey. Cedrick came home, too. The kids were glad to see him after three weeks. We chatted as I played the game. It was frustrating because I couldn't get back to the world I was in last week, the one I looked up notes for. The ones I could find were boring because there was nothing to do except roam around.

The kids went to bed. Later Michelle went to bed. At 11, I turned off the game and went home so I guess Casey went to bed. And then I went to bed.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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