Thursday, August 8, 2024

Sitting with Michelle


I got up around 7:30. I went out to water the plants and to dig up gopher mounds. I set both traps. Then I got started on Coffee morning. I turned on the CD player. I exercised and read from a book called When God Winks.

After meditation and tapping, I heard Chris come home for lunch. I was cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen. Chris being home meant he was kind of in the way. I vacuumed and mopped. He went back to work.

I took a shower and got dressed. I ate a coconut. I checked the flat trap and found a gopher. I reset it in the same hole. I read e-mail, thinking Michelle and I would go to the gym later. But then she had to stay at her church to answer questions for people who were coming in to do work.

She asked me to meet her there, so I took some weights and went. We did a little bit of workout, but my arms were sore from trimming tree branches yesterday. There was a pile of stuff in the middle of the fellowship hall being thrown away. I took two lamps for the swap shop and a bigger tree trimmer. Or maybe its a bolt cutter.

Anyway, she finally heard that the cleaners weren't coming. So we went to her place. She had some goat milk for me. We talked about mowing the yard across from hers. Then I headed home, passing Chris who was just leaving the chapel. We got home at the same time. He brought me some tomatoes from work. They were so tempting that I made a salad.

I read e-mail as I ate. Then I turned on the sprinkler in a spot near the house. I went to the other side to check that gopher trap. It had been covered in dirt. I uncovered it and flushed the hole with water and reset the trap. I watered some dryer parts of the yard. I came in to work on my blog. I turned off the sprinkler. I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Chris stayed up till 10:30, but I read till 11, then got ready for bed and got in the recliner, listening to Tibetan music. I fell asleep, then woke up and went to bed.

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