Sunday, August 11, 2024

Extra game night


I got up around 8:30. I went out to water the veggies, gophers, etc. I went to the garden to check the irrigation. Something had broken a corn plant and several tomato branches. I also had to fix the structure for the shade cloth.

I went home and asked for a massage. Chris complied. He took his shower and then I took mine. It was time for breakfast. I had to make up a week's worth of supplements first, then make breakfast.

At 2 I went to the swap shop to unlock it, then to Keli's RV to clean and dust, etc. I finished in 90 minutes, then went to the gardens to pick Michelle's cucumbers. I went home.

I noticed a message on Facebook asking me to call a number who wanted a house cleaned. So I called. He said the house was open and to go over there to figure out a quote. I called Jamie, but she wasn't free. So I went by myself. I looked around, came up with a price range, then called Jamie. We discussed it and settled on $250. I called him and we discussed it. I don't think he liked that estimate.

I went home. I texted him that he was free to get other quotes. He wanted to know when I could carry off the chairs on the back porch. So I called Jamie and she said she could do it. I was thinking we only carry them off if we are the ones doing the cleaning, but WTH.

I watched URU videos to catch up on what places I have been to in the game. I took pics of notes that I deliberately didn't read. Chris cooked mushrooms for me, and I made a carrot salad. Jenni came over with a spaghetti squash that a neighbor had grown. I watched some other videos, too.

I posted to my blog an d got ready for the extra game night that Michelle said I could have since last night was short. She was gone to get her kids, but the cat was glad to see me. I had a couple of questions about the set-up, but then I pulled up the game and got started. I did everything I was prepared to do, except jumping up to a ledge. For some reason, that didn't work. But I got everything else done and some exploring.

Then I shut it all down and went home. Chris was still up. So we went to bed at the same time.

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