Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The busy rainy day


I got up at 7:30 from a dream state. I expected to wake up late since it took so long to fall asleep. I got dressed and checked Facebook. In a message, the guy was offering me less than my quote and wanted to set up a time for signover. I headed to my phone to call Jamie and it rang before I picked it up. The man called and I told him our quote was firm. We set the time for 3pm.

So then I dialed Jamie. As I did, I looked out the window and saw a gopher digging up dirt in the back yard. I called him a choice name just as Jamie picked up the phone. I hope she didn't hear it. We agreed that the man must not have seen the cleaning requirements. We also agreed to meet at 3 for signing and again at 5:30 for another quote.

I went outside to flush the new gopher hole. The critter did not emerge anywhere that I could see. I watered and fertilized plants. I dealt with gopher mounds on the shady side of the house. When I came back, the gopher had covered over the hole. So I put a trap in it.

I went in to check e-mail and put on my garden shoes. I jotted notes for my blog. I went to the garden to fertilize, weed, and check 3 irrigation systems. I also had to reassemble the shade structure.

I went home. I listened to part of a podcast, then turned it up as loud as it would go. I chose and scanned some hymns into the desktop computer. Then I made breakfast. While I was eating, Chris came home for lunch. After eating, I worked on the hymn copies, deleting the black stuff and copy/pasting new clefs and key signatures as needed. Then I created a sign for the swap shop denoting that hours are as announced on the community Facebook page.

It started raining, so I put on shoes that could handle water. I took my thumb drive and went to the library to print out the hymns and the swap shop flyer. I went to the swap shop to drop off a box and to tape the flyer to the door. I went home to turn off the sprinkler.

I got a contract and went to 83D for a signover. Jamie did not show up so we could not do Venmo. I agreed to let him pay me in cash tomorrow. We signed the papers and he left me a key. They all left and I went to my car to get a bucket trap. He said the mice were awful. I set it up and looked around. There was a clamp fixture with a red bulb in it attached to a multi outlet adapter. It didn't work when I plugged it in, but turns out its the adapter that doesn't work. I put the light in my car. I went to the chapel to drop off the music and put a plunger in the women's bathroom. I ate a tomato. Jenni texted about going to the pool, but it kept raining off and on, so we didn't go. I jotted notes for my blog. I called Jamie to make sure she was coming to the 5:30 quote. She programmed it into her phone. I looked for music memes on Pinterest. After I found three, I posted one to each of the three Dugway pages for band practice. Then I looked for more memes for next time. Chris came home from work a little early. I went to meet Jamie for the quote. They drove up while we were ringing their doorbell. They let us in and we looked at the usual trouble spots. We quoted them $550 for cleaning three bedroom, 2.5 baths. I went to band practice. No one was there so I sat and relaxed for a bit. Then Keli and Jenni came. So we played the first hymn. Then Saronna and the kids arrived. They had been at Back-to-school night. We played through some songs until I couldn't play any more. Then we called it quits and packed up. When I got home, Chris had steak for me. I ate while looking at more band memes. I made a carrot salad, too. Finally I switched to another screen and worked on my blog. Then I made tea and we watched one episode of WTR. Then Chris went to bed. I stayed up a little later, but not as late as usual. I laid in the recliner and listened to music. Later I went to bed.

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