Thursday, August 29, 2024

A death in the family


I got up late. I tried on the shoes left by the shoe fairy. They fit and I liked them. I watered the plants. I brought in the two dozen eggs that were dropped off. I raked the twigs from the grass in anticipation of mowing. I also annoyed gophers.

Finally I proceeded with coffee morning. Afterward, I cleaned the bathroom and started on the kitchen. I washed the dishes, then got dressed and went to a signing. But when I got there, he had changed his mind and cleaned it himself. But he forgot to tell me.

I called Jamie to tell her. I thought she said she was coming over, so I stayed and cleaned 102, which was right under 203. But she took half an hour to get there. Then we talked about what was left to do at 10. And she helped me carry stuff to my car.

I went home and listened to Mike Adams. I took a box of leftover foods to Jenni. She took most of them. I brought the rest home. I donated online to the chapel. I listened to Tucker interview RFKjr.

I took a shower and went to the pool to meet Jenni. We swam for an hour and talked to Gene. Then we went home. I finished the podcast. I made a reservation at the same place Michelle had hers.

Faye called. She told me Josiah had died but she didn't know why. I did an internet search on his name to see what news articles might come up. Articles about a traffic accident came up, but no names given.

I went to Michelle's house for walking as we had agreed earlier. After walking, we sat and talked in her front yard. Then I went home to finish my blog. I made tea and we watched one episode of Walker Texas Ranger. Chris went to bed. I stayed up to get ready for bed, then read for awhile. Finally I went to bed around 11.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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