Monday, August 12, 2024

Happily ever after - the game that never ends


I got up late. I went out to water the plants, as usual. I spent some time flushing gopher holes, but they did not come out. I went in and made cheese squares. While they baked, I read e-mail. When they were done, I took them out and let them cool a bit. I sliced off the crusty edges and ate them.

I went to the garden. One of the support posts was out of place and tomato branches had been knocked down, even ones that had been tied to the cages. I picked up the ripped off branches. I checked the irrigation systems, then I took the branches home to put them in water.

I read some e-mail, then made breakfast. As I ate, I could hear Chris taking a shower, which was unusual. I finished breakfast and washed up for church. Turns out Chris was going to chapel with me because we are having a fill-in pastor from Fort Carson. When I was ready, we took Chris' car to church.

We walked in and only saw two people. Chris introduced himself to the chaplain. I assembled my trombone and talked to Keli. Then the service started. We sang three praise songs, then we had the sermon. Finally the musicians assembled up front and we played two hymns.

After the service, Chris stayed to talk to the chaplain. Keli paid me for cleaning yesterday. I talked to Jenni and Saronna. Jenni liked the yellow cheese squares but not the black ones that had garlic paste. Oh well. When Chris was ready, we went home, leaving my trombone in the chapel for band tomorrow.

I watched an interview or two. Then I took off my church clothes. The shorts I was going to put on had worn out elastic. So I took them to my sewing room and found some of Chris' underwear elastic and sewed that on. Then I got dressed and went out to check the gopher traps.

When I came in, it was time for the game. I signed into Discord and chatted with the family. John was over half an hour late, but then the game got started. Slowly. But it was fun and we gathered evidence and presented it to the court, proving that the beast didn't harm the kids and was framed. Well, it went a little long because Michele wanted to finish it tonight. So then John ended it with “And everyone lived happily ever after”. To which I replied, “But what about...” and he followed every objection with “they too lived happily ever after”.

When everyone signed out, Michelle texted about going for a walk. So I drove over there. Her daughter brought me a jaw bone that she found. Michelle and I walked and mostly she talked. The wind blew and it got dark. Then we made plans and I went home.

I made tea and we watched one episode of WTR. Chris went to bed and I looked up an actress, but she wasn't in anything I had seen. I stayed up to work on my blog and to listen to Tibetan music. A storm came through and I rolled up my windows and Chris' windows. I laid down again, but the music didn't work and I went to bed.

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