Saturday, August 24, 2024

Starting up the riding mower


I got up around 8, having slept just ok, like the rest of this week. I figured I'd sleep better without Chris getting up at 4:30 each morning. Maybe not. Anyway, I got ready for the day. I jotted notes for game night. I watered the plants outside and in. I got two small potatoes from a dead plant. I filled some gopher holes.

I went to the apartment to meet Saronna and her kids. They brought bags and boxes to cart off the food. All the water had leaked out of the tub. I refilled it and added more ammonia. I closed the doors and told the kids to stay out. After they left, I cleaned cabinets and the stove and walls.

At noon I went home for lunch. I looked up hints for the next game night, thinking it would be next week. I read e-mail until Jamie called to ask if they could use the riding mower. They weren't quite ready to come over, so I made a grocery list and went to the commissary.

When I got home, I texted and called her. She and her husband came over. They pumped up the tires with a bicycle pump, but it wasn't great. They jumped it twice, then he drove it to the shopette to use the air hose there. She followed him in case he ran out of gas.

I went to the garden. The wind was really strong and had taken its toll on the shade structure (and all the plants). I put it back together, not knowing if it would last. Then I spent another 2 hours of cleaning at the apartment. I vacuumed up all the crumbs left under the bed and around furniture, then started on the stove and fridge.

For supper, I had beef and a carrot. I was watching Dr. Ruby talk to a Korean scientist who was incubating Pfizer and Moderna vials and recording the structures that were growing in them. The oldest one has been growing for 2.5 years. She also found these structures in the blood and semen of vaccinated individuals, even after 2 years.

Just then Casey invited me to another game night. I wasn't prepared but could not resist the invitation. I didn't have time to post to my blog. But I prepared tea and drove over.

Casey had the computer starting up. I chatted with Isadora then clicked Play when it came up. This time I was able to get back to the gear room in the game. However, things did not go as well as I hoped. So, I went to the water world. Things went better there, and I caught up and exceeded what I had watched on the walkthrough.

At 11, I thanked Casey and went home. Driving through the streets reminded me of the game, but I had to remind myself that in THIS game, real consequences happen, not just getting sent back to the start of the game.  I went through my usual nightly routine and hit the hay.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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