Monday, August 26, 2024

what to do with old yogurt


I got up at 8 and got dressed. I watered the plants, but my right hand hurt so I left the gophers alone. I read e-mail for a while. Chris gave me a massage, and then we took our showers. I made and ate breakfast. We got dressed for church and went to the chapel.

Chris talked with the supply chaplain. I set up my trombone, then realized I forgot the snack. Keli led us in three praise hymns. Chaplain spoke about God's will. Then we musicians played two hymns. After the service, we talked in small groups. I talked with Rick about the game, and he suggested a crossover where his group runs into our group.

Chris and I went home and changed clothes. I couldn't get Jenni or Michelle to walk or swim with me. I read e-mail, then took bags of clothes to the swap shop. I also went to the garden. The wind was blowing the shade structure down. I reassembled it and added more time to the irrigation timer. I went to the apartment to get the yogurt from the fridge. I talked to Jamie while I was there.

When I got home, Chris was cooking ground beef and the corn that Keli gave me. I put some in a dish. I put one container of yogurt in cheesecloth and set it in a colander to drain. I dialed into the game. I ate and we played. After the game, Chris and I discussed how it went.

Then I met Michelle at the gym and we walked around several blocks while talking. When we got back to the gym, we continued to talk. Finally we split. I stopped at the swap shop to unlock it for Kenzie to get in tomorrow. Then I went home.

I put away my laundry and we made the bed. It was too late to watch TV, so we spent time on our laptops. Chris then went to bed. I stayed up to read about soils and magnesium. I posted to my blog, put the draining yogurt in the fridge and went to bed.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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