Sunday, August 18, 2024

Stitch and Glitch


I got up before 8. I got ready for the day. I went out to water the plants. I soaked some gopher holes and crushed tunnels with my wet, muddy feet. Then I went in to read some messages and such. The power flickered several times; just long enough to knock out the internet. I went in my sewing room to work on the casserole cover.

At 10:30 I asked Chris for a massage. Later he took his shower and I took mine. I finished the casserole cover and then made and ate breakfast. I packed up the supplies and went to the chapel.

I unlocked the doors and set up three machines. I laid out the sample and the pieces that were cut. I made sure the sewing machines were in good order. I had to rewind a bobbin and deal with a double thread. The whole time no one came.

So around three I went home. I finished listening to an interview. I heated half a gallon of goat milk on the stove. Chris sat down to help me with my character sheet. I had sent it to James for his recommendations but hadn't heard from him yet. The milk boiled over. I turned off the heat and poured in some vinegar. We finished the character sheet.

I skimmed the curds. I chopped up fruit peels and threw them into the compost. I heated the leftover steak for supper. I went out to mow the back yard and part of the side yard. Then I remembered my blog, so I went in to post before I had to leave. I posted by e-mail, wishing I could preview it before it posted.

I headed to Game Night. I brought my purse to add the finishing touches. I whipped stitched the lining shut and added a few stitches where necessary. I cut the top of the handle. Jenni came and wanted to make a flag shirt. So I pulled out that project and got her started. I made a tube to slide over the handle of the purse and inserted a piece of denim between the two ends. I slid the tube over the denim and topstitched the whole thing. It did not look as good as I imagined.

Jenni kept having trouble with the machines, moving from one to another. I went behind her to check out the trouble, but didn't find any. Finally it got late and I started packing up. She decided to finish her flag at the next Project Night and helped me pack up. We put everything away and locked up.

I went home. I contacted John and we worked on my character sheet till I could not see straight anymore. Then Chris helped me dress the bed and I went through the usual routine. I sat at my laptop listening to Tibetan music waiting for him. But I gave up and went to bed.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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