Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Earning the cash


I got up after 7. I got dressed and went out to water and to flush gophers. It still didn't work. I wonder of the gophers are building wider tunnels to accommodate more water?

I read e-mail for a bit. I put on my garden shoes. I put a sweeper and cleaners in my car. I went to the garden to check the irrigation. Everything was in order.

I went to 83D to clean at 10. I worked for 2 hours. At one point, I went out to get something from my car and the door locked behind me. I had to break in. Later, the man who signed the cleaning contract brought me the cash as he promised.

I quit at noon and went home for breakfast. I took the screen from a back window of 83D and cleaned it by spraying it with the hose. I left it to dry. I made breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail.

At 2pm, I went to Saronna's house to play. Most of her kids were in school. So we got more playing done. Jedediah wanted to carry my trombone to my car but this trombone is heavier and he couldn't do it. So cute.

I went down the street to 83D. I cleaned until 5:20, finishing the fridge and cabinets, etc. I fished a dish soap cap from the waste disposal and ground up some lemon wedges to combat the smell.

I went home for supper. I read articles and messages. John texted with me about getting ready for the new game next Sunday. Then I went to the apple tree to help trim it. But no one showed up. Eventually I went home again and sent out some messages. They had decided to do it next Tuesday.

I got back on my laptop. I posted to my blog. Then, since the Pinterest page was still open to band memes, I kept reading and forgot the time. It was almost 9 when I pulled myself away and made tea. Then Chris wasn't quite ready. So we only had time for one episode of Walker Texas Ranger. Afterward, he went to bed and I stayed up to read a bit. Then I went straight to bed.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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