Saturday, August 17, 2024

Shopping day


We got up before 8. I got dressed and went out to water the plants. When I came in, I deleted a bunch of e-mail. Then Chris showed me the map of his campaign and mentioned the languages used in each section. I got overwhelmed and he said it was a 'sky is green' moment and couldn't understand why. It became a heated discussion.

I took a break and called Jamie to find out if she was still planning on finishing 83D today. But she said she'd do it tomorrow. We discussed other things as well. Then Chris and I got back into it. But he seemed satisfied with whatever it was that I said. And I don't think I said anything I haven't said before.

I jotted notes for my blog. I made and ate breakfast. I texted with John about the character sheet. We took the grocery list and went to the commissary. We unloaded the food, then went to Tooele. I went to Melanie's, then then we went to Macey's. I stopped by the dollar store for marbles, but they didn't have any. Faye texted that her father-in-law passed away.

When we got back to base, we unloaded that food. I checked messages. I read e-mail. I mowed the sunny side of the yard. I came in and heated steak for supper. I also picked greens for me and for Michelle. I made a salad.

I worked on my blog. I took greens and a small garlic to Michelle's house. She emoted about her kids, I started up the game. She continued to emote. The kids came home from the neighbor's house and she was so nice to them. They went to bed. She made a salad with the greens I brought.

We stayed up. I played until 11, then shut down the game. She talked for almost 45 minutes and sold me 4 bottles of milk and gave me some oranges. I went home and put them in the fridge. Chris was still up, but I got ready and went to bed.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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