Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ice pack helped


I got up and dressed. I read e-mail with an ice pack on my wrist. It was too cool to go outside barefoot. Then I decided to go early to the apartment to clean. I worked in the kitchen for 2.25hr.

When I got home, I made up supplements, then made and ate breakfast. I read a little, then laid out in the sun before it strayed too far from my lounger. Afterward, I worked on a hymn and saved it to my thumb drive. Then I went to the library to print it out. I also printed out an arrangement of When the Saints Go Marching In. I talked to Melissa for some time. Keli texted, wanting to move band to tomorrow. But I told her to ahead with her husband.

I got home after 5 and saw a message asking me to open the swap shop at 6. I ate some supper, then went to the swap shop to unlock it. I continued on to band. I played with Jenni and Sophia. We quit a little early.

I went home, stopping to lock the swap shop. I jotted notes for my blog and ate a carrot. I went walking with Michelle. I gave her some of the drained yogurt. It tasted like vanilla cream cheese. We talked, then checked out a tree that fell on 3rd street. It was riddled with termites.

I was home by 8:30. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. I had a gel pack on my wrist the whole time. Chris went to bed. I got ready for bed, then stayed up to post to my blog. I set up another tub of yogurt to drain, not realizing that she can't digest it.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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