Sunday, August 4, 2024



I woke up early and tried to go back to sleep. But there was too much to do. I got up and dressed. I took supplements, etc. I watered the plants outside and reset the traps. I set the sprinkler for a spot at the front of the lawn. I took time to read some messages, then went to the garden to check irrigation and to pull up some of the mint that is taking over.

However, as I grabbed a handful, I felt the worst, sharpest stinging sensation ever in my right hand. It hurt so badly that I quit and got in the car to go home. However, I could not resist going by the post office on my way home to get the mail. I showed it to the clerk and she said to put hydrogen peroxide on it.

When I got home, I washed my hands with soap and water, then put colloidal silver on it. It still hurt but not as badly. There was a white ring around the site. But no stinger. I read e-mail for awhile, then took a shower. Afterward, I made breakfast and ate it while reading messages and articles.

I vacuumed around my laptop area. Then I used the carpet shampooer to get out some spots. I swept and mopped the kitchen. Then I gathered the materials for class. I made templates for the pieces. I made some alternate measurements for smaller or larger flags. Then I went to the chapel to turn on the lights and set up the machines.

Saronna came with her kids. I showed them how to make the flag and three of them did. Sophia sewed hers to a white shirt. Wilhelm also brought a white shirt and I sewed it on for him. Moira did not like the shirt she brought so she just made the flag. For some reason, we had lots of thread problems.

They left at 4 and I neatened up, then went home. I called Michelle to meet me at the pool. Then I put on my suit and went over. I started swimming laps till she got there. Then she told me all about her work. We were still talking when my hour was up, so I stayed another 20 minutes, still treading water. Finally I said I had to leave and we both went home.

It was 6pm. I made a green salad and then some egg salad. Then it was time to leave. I went back to the chapel for Project Night. The kids were waiting. I unlocked the chapel and we went in. Sophia wanted to finish her project from last time. She finished two of the three while I talked to MeryAnn. I wanted to help MeryAnn with her project, but my hands hurt too much. Sophia left when she couldn't find the third seatbelt pillow.

I stayed to chat and watch MeryAnn sew. Then Jenni came over to get my help filling out some paperwork. MeryAnn packed everything up and we walked out to the parking lot. We chatted some more, then went home. I looked through the last project leftovers and found Sophia's third project.

I watched some videos on vagus nerve exercises. I ate frozen watermelon for my hands. I worked on my blog. I got ready for bed, then relaxed in the recliner while Tibetan music played from my laptop. I fell asleep, and then woke up and went to bed.

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