Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Trimming tree branches


I got up after hearing my first two alarms. I got dressed and went out to water the plants. I dealt with a few gopher holes and reset the traps. I read some e-mail to cool off, then put on my garden shoes and went over to check irrigation and pull weeds. I also put a gallon of fertilizer on the vegetable portion.

I made and ate breakfast. I laid out in the sun for 20 minutes. I went to see Jamie at the barracks. Luckily she was on a smoking break. I found her out back. She gave me a replacement stick of pumice and my share of the Venmo payment. We discussed her moving to Germany.

I went to Saronna's house. I was 20 minutes late, but she had been late getting home so it worked out. We played while the older kids fed the younger ones. Wilhelm showed me a praying mantis. She asked if we could move band up an hour because its on a school night.

Afterward, I went to the library to copy the back side of two sheets of music that had some other part on the back. I asked Keli about moving band from 7pm to 6pm and she said it was fine. I went home and read e-mail and listened to a podcast. I made a carrot salad, and had some ground beef and rice. I took out a ladder to trim dead branches from the trees.

Chris came home from work. He didn't seem to notice me up on the ladder. I worked until 5:50 then went in. He was ready to go to the FRG meeting, so we got in his car and drove to the ACS building. In the meeting room, the tables were set up with backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. So we lined up to take a backpack and fill it with one of everything. We did over 80 backpacks. Some stuff ran out, and others were still there. Someone cleared the extras away while Steve and I were chatting in the hall.

Then we went back in and chairs were set up. Summer led the FRG meeting. We discussed future events like Friendsgiving and Trunk or Treat. The idea of a Garden group came up and she looked at me to lead it.

After the meeting, Jenni asked some of us if we would like some veggies. So we went out to her car and she handed out stuff. Kenzie and I talked about a garden schedule for next year.

When we got home, I went back to trimming the tree. There were lots of dead branches and some low branches. I also trimmed some that were touching the roof. I came in hot and sweaty. I had a drink and jotted notes for my blog. (still can't post pics). I made tea and we watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. Later Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read, then rested in the recliner to fall asleep to Tibetan music. But it didn't work.

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