Friday, August 16, 2024

Choosing just the right project


I got up around 8 and got ready for the day. I went over to 83D thinking I could move the garbage from the water-filled bins to dry bins, then I could empty the ones with water. However, when I got there, someone had rolled them both to the curb.

So I went to the garden and checked irrigation systems. All were working. I went home to water. I flushed some gopher holes. Most of the mounds did not seem to be covering a hole. I also poured some citrus rind water down the holes that I found.

I went to 83D to clean. I ended up mopping the floors, but leaving the bathroom for Jamie. Then I went home to fix breakfast. I ate while watching The Highwire. Then I laid out in the sun for a bit. I came in and read messages. I made a wrist rest as a sample project for sewing class this week. I jotted notes for my blog.

The wrist rest seemed too easy considering that Saronna's kids were not coming. So I looked through my sewing folders and decided to do a casserole cover; something kids might not be interested in. Then I had to choose fabric – something I like but have no other use for. It didn't quite work out that way, but close. I cut enough for both the lengthwise piece and the crosswise piece, but then discovered that I had the dimensions wrong for the crosswise piece. I sewed around the three layers for the lengthwise piece, then decided I had run out of time. So I posted the class announcement to the Facebook pages using an online pic.

John started texting me about filling out my character sheet. I read messages and articles from e-mail. I ate some steak and a salad. I went out to mow the shady side of the yard. I saw Chris come home. He was late because of his meeting in Tooele.

I put the mower away and plugged in the battery to charge. I worked on my blog, then made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. Chris went to bed. I got ready for bed, read a message or two, then crawled in next to him for an ok night of sleep.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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