Sunday, August 25, 2024

Windy again


I got up around 7:30. By now I notice that the amount of light at 7:30 is diminishing. Fall is coming, and with it, cold weather. Sigh.

I took my supplements, then went out to water. I noticed a big mound near the property line and dirt was flying out. So I went around front and snuck over to the hose bib. I turned it on and raced to the hole to fill it with water. I also poured two watering cans of water to flood it. But the creature did not come up. I don't know if he hid, or got drowned.

When I finished watering my wind-battered plants, I noticed that the wind was intensifying again. Grrrr. I went inside and posted to my blog for Thursday. I looked up what I missed during game night.

I went to the apartment to clean for an hour and 45 minutes. Then I went home for breakfast. But first I had to make more breakfast mix. THEN, I ate breakfast while reading e-mail and messages. I put a spray bottle of homemade soap in the sink to warm up. But when I left at 2 to clean Keli's RV, I forgot it.

I also forgot my phone. I cleaned her place in the usual manner, listening to the wind howl. Then went home. I texted her that I was done. I tried to take a nap but it didn't work. I read messages and looked up a part of the game last night. Turns out that rolling the ball is just a diversion. Chris texted from an airport.

I spent 3 hours listening to David Icke. Jamie called to ask about things left behind in the apartment. I put a new filter in the Air Doctor, but the indicator light did not go out. I folded the swap shop clothes and put them in bags to take back.

Chris texted from the SLC airport so I would know to expect him around midnight. I washed the dishes in the kitchen and got ready for bed. I listened to another podcast on detoxing, then posted to my blog and went to bed. An hour later, Chris came home and crawled into bed next to me.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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