Tuesday, August 6, 2024

And the husband returns


I woke up early and stayed in bed till 7:30. I brushed my teeth and took supplements. I checked my phone for messages. Chris said he was on the plane, but the time stamp was for when I turned the phone on. I had no idea when he sent it.

After several months, it was time. I got out the slide box and filled out the paperwork. I traced the slide ends and cut out the foam inserts to fit. I placed the trombone slide inside with the paperwork, then screwed the wooden box shut and taped the cardboard box closed. I took it to the post office and mailed it for $40+.

I watered the plants at home, then went to the garden to check on irrigation systems. Kenzie arrived so we chatted. Veronica came and parked right in the intersection. When I left, I had to drive through the tumbleweeds and around her car to get out to the road.

I went home to change my shoes. I got the large print Bible and went to the Community Club. We chatted until we thought no one else was coming. We read through chapter 8, then chatted some more. Finally, I excused myself and went home.

Chris was waiting for me. He had the laundry started. It took me until noon to find and pick two hymns. I made and ate breakfast, reading e-mail. Chris went to work. I scanned the hymns into the computer and cleaned up the black parts. I loaded them onto a thumb drive.

I laid outside in the sun and finished the book Brave New World. I re-dressed and went to the library. I returned the book and asked her to print out the music. She did and we talked until she got a phone call.

I went home. I drank a couple cups of juice and it did not digest well for some reason. I went through several piles of stuff and threw out papers and re-organized. I found a printout of parts to Stars and Stripes, so I decided to bring it to band. However, some parts were printed on the back of other parts, which was confusing and hard to separate. I labeled each side of each page. I posted to Facebook for band practice.

Chris came home from work and cooked ground beef and rice. I ate some as I read articles. I went to the chapel for band. Wilhelm showed me what he thought was a really big spider. But it looked more like a sand crab to me.

Bethany texted that she had practice in town now so she wasn't coming. But Jenni came and played tambourine. We played through two hymns, and two Broadway tunes, and then Stars and Stripes. Then the kids picked up their toys. We turned out lights and locked up and went home.

When I got home, I called Michelle. We chatted a bit, then agreed to meet at the garden. She had a really long piece of netting and we wound it around her husbands tomato plants. I thought it needed a large spider.

She went home and so did I. I got ready for bed. I read messages and worked on my blog. It seems really boring without pics, but it still won't accept pics. I crawled into the recliner and hoped to fall asleep.

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