Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Block swap

I got up earlier than I intended, hearing a roach crawling under the headboard. I might have dozed off, dreaming of lots of stairs. Because I don't eat breakfast until 11, there isn't much incentive to get up early. The morning seems so long. And today's e-mail cleared quickly. After exercise, I still have time to tap before breakfast. After breakfast, I wanted to lay in the sun, but decided to mow while the mowing was good. I finished most of the front yard, except for the part with all the pine cones. I also did the side yard and part of the back. The mower did well today, maybe because the grass isn't so tall. Then I laid under the overcast sky for whatever sunbeams might come through. I needed a shower after that. When I was all cleaned up, I ate lunch. It was too early to pick up Alec, so I called my dad. He was sitting with my mom in a Dr's waiting room. We had quite the chat because they were early, and then the nurse took Mom for her appointment and did not need Dad for that. When Mom had returned and was ready to leave, we ended the call. I still had a few minutes. Then it was time to leave. I picked up Alec at his daycare and drove him home. It started to rain. Still, because there is a big tree in his front yard, we had fun blowing bubbles and chasing them. He got out his lawnmower bubble maker. I filled the bottle and he made bubbles just by pushing the mower. He also played in the sandbox, and then we went in. He chose to watch a Veggie Tale movie and asked for a snack and juice. Shannon came home just after the movie ended. I went home to have supper and go to the meeting at church. Shannon was there with pizza and sodas for everyone. Not many people attended. Tamara passed out handouts for the first two blocks of Sunday school. This year crafts will be done 2 of 3 sundays and half the kids will attend each one. The crafts are already chosen and a list of supplies given. We also talked about the church's entry for the botanical gardens – Davey and Goliath. The framework was there and someone was making heads. I offered some brown fuzzy cloth to cover Goliath (hope I can find it). Choosing a Christmas play was also on the agenda. I asked why we had to have one, and one admitted that some parents were tired of it. We chose to have a children's concert instead. The meeting broke up late, and I went home. Chris and I watched several episodes of Chuck, finishing season 4.  As I sat down to write my blog, a roach crawled up the wall.  Chris swatted it and carried it outside.  Just as he was closing the door, I saw another one crawl in.   Sheez!
 *  These quilts are from a block swap.  There were more than 12, I think, at the guild meeting Thursday night  *

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