Saturday, August 31, 2013

No Sewing Satuday and no Bob

I realized I was awake at quarter after 8. I was hearing a 'snick, snick, snick' moving around the house. Then the thought crossed my mind that I did not hear my phone alarm at 8, which I set last night with coaching from Chris. The snicking stopped and I got up. I read e-mail and fixed breakfast, preparing to go to a Sewing Saturday. But at 9:20, the message went out on Facebook that it was canceled due to the building being closed and under construction. Having no desk in my sewing room, I set the Brother up on the table. It was the only one with a cord long enough. I sewed the perimeter of the placemat while listening to an audio. I tried laying in the sun, but it was not cooperating. I swept half of the patio and got a splinter in my foot. The sun came out so I took advantage. Then went in for tweezers. I could not see it, so tried a piece of packing tape. Reading e-mail, I came across 111hz as being special for some reason so I looked it up on youtube. It is supposed to promote cellular healing. I listened to several versions of it. Maryann called me on Skype twice. She kept getting interrupted. She complained about the heat, and how it could be humid in the morning and dry in the afternoon. I would love a free sauna like that. I finished sweeping the patio. Next door someone was cutting down trees. I trimmed the tall 4 o'clocks that fell over in the rain yesterday. And the rose of sharons which were getting too tall. I hauled the branches out to the street. I swept part of driveway, then came in for water. There was a little new e-mail to read, but nothing all that interesting. I put on a CD from the book and went into the garage to handquilt. I went through two CDs. I ate supper and handquilted some more, without the benefit of a narrator. Then I work on making a quilt top from a panel print I found in my stash while looking for something else. I heard the Skype sound so I rushed upstairs to catch it. Chris was just leaving for church and wanted to know if the underwear market was open on Sunday. (I had asked for more). After he left, I talked to Michele a little bit and now am posting to my blog and planning to finish downstairs and go to bed.
*  This is a pic I took through Skype yesterday.  Aren't they cute together?  *

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