Monday, August 19, 2013

The prodical FMQ supplies

I woke up after having a strange dream about cake. Putting that aside, I read e-mail and exercised and ate breakfast. I checked the mailbox. It was full of ants and pupae. With a dustpan brush, I swept the box clean and hoped it would stay that way until the mailman made his delivery run. I packed seaweed and nut cheese for lunch. I took lunch and my sewing tools to the church for our usual Monday quilting. There were not so many women there as usual. But more came later. I worked on my brown and orange quilt top, constructing new corners for it. Then I worked on piecing yellows and oranges into hexagons. It was almost 5 when I left. Chris was already home, making meatloaf. While it was cooking, he did two loads of laundry. I went in the basement to look once again for the extension table that I made for my sewing machine. I remembered the night that we were frantically moving items to avoid the water pouring into the basement. I knew I would have shoved it anywhere dry, and then I found it – under my cutting table. A little more searching also brought forward the quilting gloves that were stored with it. Phew! PTL!. I practiced my trombone, and fired up the old computer. It has my embroidery software on it, and it is the only one with a 3.5 inch drive. I re-digitized the quilt label I did for Doris. I had misspelled her granddaughter's name. I took the embroidery card down to the machine. With the proper hooping, thread, needle, etc, it should have only taken 15 minutes. But for whatever reason, the thread shredded intermittently. Chris was ready to watch Chuck long before I finished. Then we watched 2 episodes and went to bed.
*  This is Bertha's quilt  *

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