Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday stitching

The alarm went off at 9. Chris was already up and on his computer. I rolled out of bed. I read e-mail and took a shower. At 10 I fixed breakfast and ate it. I dressed and put on my earrings, but one broke so I got another pair.  We headed to church. I brought the new kneeler and put it in the place of the old one. At the service, we officially welcomed our new intern and her husband. After the service, Pastor told me how he just realized that most of the kneelers were new. The congregation gathered in the fellowship hall for a meal and a 'pounding'. We went to Publix for groceries. At home, we put the food away and changed clothes.  Chris glued my earring back together.  I read e-mail for awhile, then headed out for Stitch Group. I had decided that I wasn't stopping at Lowes on the way because I didn't have the energy after staying up so late last night Skyping Michele. But when the moment came, I took it. I pulled in and searched the store for plexiglass. Someone had to show me where it was. Pieces were pre-cut in several sizes and I got the one Deb recommended on Saturday. But it cost 60% more than she said it would. Still, it will come in handy for several uses. I arrived at the storage building after 2. They were not set up yet, so I helped. I brought the green quilt so I could stitch binding. And I did some of that. But Debbie brought a DVD of a quilt show in Georgia and we spent most of the time looking at pics. The group broke up after 6. But it was almost 7 when I got home. The sky looked like rain was coming, but I mowed anyway, and it did not rain. Then I came in to have leftovers for supper. I read a little more e-mail, worked another puzzle, and then we watched 2 episodes of Chuck. Now I am really ready for bed. Gotta catch up on my sleep. 
*  Here is the end result of the FMQ class  *

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