Monday, August 5, 2013

Colorful Day

I slept so well that I did not hear Chris get up for work. I woke up at 7:30 to find him gone. I read e-mail for awhile. I tapped for the mowing situation and the babysitting situation.. I then sewed piping to the top of kneeler #6. It went ok so I figured I was good to sew. I ate breakfast and packed a lunch. I wanted to take the fermented nut cheese but I had nothing to put it on. It wasn't that great by itself or with celery. I packed my log cabin project and the green quilt that needs binding. I loaded it all in the car and drove to the church. I ended up spending all my time handsewing the binding and never got to the other project. Glenda brought me some fabric she thought would match my log cabin project, but the colors were off. I spoke to Alice about cans for Sunday School and she said she could get 30 in less than a month (she owns a restaurant). Being the first Monday of the month, we celebrated all the birthdays this month. Victoria brought in two cakes that she had made. Everyone raved about how good they were. All I ate was the fruit on the table and my seaweed. Debbie sat next to me for awhile and I took a pic of her not-quite-completed quilt top. She asked to see the pic and was surprised how beautiful her quilt was. Myrna told us she was quitting her job cleaning for the daycare. She cleans 14 toilets a day, 5 days a week and now she's had enough. Yep, I can can believe it. Around 4 I packed up to go home. I mowed the side lawn, stalling 3 times. Then I mowed on the other side, near the ditch. I put the mower away when it sounded pitiful. When I went in, Chris told me that I missed a phone call. I called back but there was no answer. Then I made some egg salad for supper. Chris informed me after I peeled the egg that he had meatloaf in the oven. I read more e-mail. I called Shannon, and she told me that she was going to start working parttime in two weeks so she wouldn't need a babysitter, but that in the mean time the daycare would be closed for a week and she'd need all day care. I started sewing piping to the bottom of the kneeler. My phone rang and Chris brought it to me. Jodi and I had a nice chat and promised to pray for each other. Then I mowed again, raising the deck so I could get further. The mower ran out about dark. I put it away and wrote this post until it was time to watch TV. We watched several episodes of Chuck and then...went to bed.

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