Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Digging out quilt tops

I woke up at 8:30,. It was raining very hard. I read e-mail, and watched the rain. I tried out a few songs on my trombone for Rally Day, but none of them seemed appropriate. I constructed a grounding mat for the desktop. I put a sympathy card and a check in the mail – rain had stopped. I played an audio, did some tapping, and actually exercised for the first time in a week. I ate breakfast, and playe a neuroscience audio. After more tapping, I gathered egg cartons into bag, and found crayons in the craft box, putting them in the car for tomorrow. I added the remaining old kimchi to the new, hoping to blend the tastes. I took and e-mailed pics to Amanda so she could pick a quilt top for Saturday's free-motion quilt class. At 2:38 I realized what time it was and headed towards the farmer's market, grabbing the egg cartons. I got there just about 3pm. They were open and people were shopping. I found an egg seller and got two cartons, giving them my bag of empties. I also bought 2 cartons of goat cheese, although one also has some cowsmilk in it. When I got home, I put the food away.  I had determined to mow the lawn, but it started raining again.  I worked on the kneeler, sewing the boxing to the top. I sewed part of the bottom seam too. Chris came home so I gave the machine a break and let the foot pedal cool down. He fixed his supper and I ate mine. I cut a cucumber into slices and spread nut cheese on them. After supper, I played Michele's game again. I did not die this time, but I explored the entire board and did not find any way to get the main character back to the life she was forced out of . I finished the kneeler and zigzagged the edges. Then I inserted the foam and zipped it shut. Having this week's kneeler finished by Tuesday leaves the rest of the week for preparing for the FMQ class. I listened to several audios during construction and the battery ran down so I had to plug it back in to recharge. I sat at the diningroom table to listen to another audio while Chris gamed with the voices. The voices are going to a convention and this game somehow prepares them for that. I went into the basement because the bathroom down there gets perfectly dark. I had an ipod with meditation music on it. It was nice and relaxing. When I came up, Chris was still gaming. I checked my e-mail, but nothing new has come in for hours. I was worried, so I checked Facebook to see if the internet world was still there. It was. I decided to go to bed.

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