Thursday, August 22, 2013

Cutting it short

I got up early again, but don't know why. Breakfast at 11 seemed awfully far away. I read my e-mail, and searched for communion images.  I made up a week's worth of supplements. I took my nightgown into the basement to sew the trim back on. I don't know why it keeps ripping. But the embroidery machine was set up, not my regular machine. Then I remembered that I promised to bring some fuzzy brown fabric to church. I went hunting for it. The first piece I found was unhemmed, which meant that it had never been used. I planned to donate one of the panels we used in our Korean apartment since it will be outside for maybe a month? I looked through every box in my sewing room. I came across the rest of the fabric for recovering my kitchen chairs. Yea! But of course, the panels were in the last box to be checked, shoved back behind another big box. But I found it, and that is what counts. Still not breakfast time. I did my exercises and read the latest e-mail. I heard the recycle truck go by and remembered that I forgot to put them out. 
Then it was time. I was so hungry. After breakfast, and kimchi, I decided to trim the lawn with grass clippers. I cut myself accidentally. After some hydrogen peroxide and a bandaid, I was back at it. I raked the part of the yard with pinecones and then mowed it. I mowed the ditch, too, and in the back yard. The lawn mower surprised me with how well it worked today. Because the sun was shining so nicely, I put on my bathing suit and lay in the sun. Finally I was able to get 20 full minutes of sun. I found an extra large cucumber near the patio. I had given up searching there because the vines were so dried up. I tried to eat it all, but it was too big. I took a shower, and headed out to pick up Alec. I was later than usual, but ironically the kids were still napping in a dark room. I had a hard time waking him up. I took him to his house and he used the potty there. For the first time, he stood up to go. There were color matching cards on the floor in the back room and we played a game with those. Then we played with Mr. Bear. Mr. Bear suggested we watch a movie. Alec picked the movie – Shrek. Every time the AC came on, we couldn't hear the TV so he wanted me to make the bear laugh at him. Well, my throat can only make an evil laugh so many times before I get hoarse. I turned the TV up. His mother came home a little early. We chatted for awhile, and then I went home. It had rained while I was babysitting, and was still wet. Chris wanted me to cut his hair, so we opened the garage door and did it just inside. He wanted it really short and that is how I cut it. Then we had supper. I read the latest e-mails and listened to an audio. Then we watched 3 episodes of Chuck before going to bed.
*  This is my orange and brown quilt top with one of its new corners.  *

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